Friday, July 15, 2011

The Gift of the Growl

Here is a wonderful article by Pat Miller that explains why we should never punish a dog for growling.  The growl is a gift;  it is information for us on what the dog is feeling.  She also talks about what to do if your dog growls at something.  This information is so important!  If a dog is punished for growling, you will eventually have a dog that bites without any warning whatsoever, and that is much more dangerous than a growling dog.


  1. What a fantastic article Lindsay! I still have to work hard not to react in a negative way to a growl. I have started saying "good girl" in a happy voice and getting a cookie out each time she growls. Of course, tossing cookies on her head before she growls would be even better, but I don't always notice things quickly enough. Albeit counter-intuitive, it sure does work quickly in changing her emotional state.
