Thursday, July 28, 2011

10 Life-Threatening Behaviour Myths in Dogs

This is a fantastic article by Valerie V. Tynes (that can be handed out to clients) about behaviour myths in dogs.  Some of these myths literally cost dogs their lives;  they certainly impact the quality of life of many, many others.  How many of these myths do you believe?  Check out the article, and learn what the truth is!

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Gift of the Growl

Here is a wonderful article by Pat Miller that explains why we should never punish a dog for growling.  The growl is a gift;  it is information for us on what the dog is feeling.  She also talks about what to do if your dog growls at something.  This information is so important!  If a dog is punished for growling, you will eventually have a dog that bites without any warning whatsoever, and that is much more dangerous than a growling dog.