Thursday, November 24, 2011

The importance of puppies staying in their litter until at least 8 weeks of age

Puppies prematurely separated from their litters can develop behavioural problems in adulthood.  It is important that puppies stay with their litters until at least 8 weeks of age -- they gain so much from the socialization that being with their dam and littermates provides.  It is also extremely beneficial that the breeder (whoever that may be) provide as much other socialization as possible -- exposing the puppies to the sights, sounds and experiences of the human world makes the puppies more resilient and behaviourally healthy.  Remember that the socialization window closes somewhere around 12 to 16 weeks, so there is a lot to do in a short amount of time.

Some of the behavioural problems that this study found in pups prematurely separated from their litters include:

  • destructiveness,
  • excessive barking, 
  • possessiveness around food and/or toys, 
  • attention seeking, 
  • aggressiveness, 
  • play biting, 
  • fearfulness on walks, and 
  • reactivity to noises. 
Of course, some of these issues will have had multiple causes, but it is significant that the study found that they were more far more frequently noted in pups that were separated from their litter prior to 8 weeks of age.

So staying with the dam and rest of the litter is important, as is proper socialization while they are together.  Then once you get your puppy, you've got to continue socializing!

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