Friday, November 11, 2011

Socialization - can my dog meet yours?

Socialization is about so much more than your dog getting to meet other dogs.  That's part of it, but the bigger picture is that socialization is about getting your pup comfortable with all the sights, sounds, and experiences of the human world in which we expect that pup to live.

I could write a novel about socialization (just ask the folks in my puppy classes!), and I will -- just not today.  I did want to pass along a great article about socialization, though.  Jennifer Shryock talks about some of the specifics to consider when you are introducing your dog (especially your puppy) to other dogs.  Your pup does not need to meet every single other dog they ever encounter -- this can be a recipe for disaster, in fact.  Thoughtful introductions to other dogs and pups that you know (medically and behaviourally) make for good socialization.

It is critically important that all socialization experiences (whether your dog is meeting another dog, or a new person, or walking across a grate on the sidewalk, or hearing thunder for the first time, etc.) be positive.  Think carefully about how you introduce your dog or pup to new experiences, and your dog will benefit enormously.

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